Sir Norman Bennett Writes To Condemn "nearby," Written...
as one word—most of all when used, still more improperly as an adjective—" a nearby policeman intervened." I wholeheartedly agree.......
The Silent Service Is In Danger Of Losing Its Reputation.
No Minister today is more vocal than the First Lord of the Admiralty. Monday morning's papers are sure to contain reports of at least one week-end speech by Mr. Alexander, and......
One Of The Disturbing Possibilities In A World Full Enough
of disturbance without that is of Sir Nevile Henderson being odopted as the Government candidate for the vacancy at Grantham. There may be nothing in this. Sir Nevile's name may......
The Effect Of The Paper-shortage On The Reporting Of...
is distressing. On Tuesday a debate on broadcasting, calculated to interest keenly every man and woman in the country (and many children) took place in the House of Commons. The......
A Spectator's Notebook
T HE Churchill difficulty deepens. The worst thing possible would be to exaggerate it, but it is the Prime Minister himself who has most recently emphasised it. " I must ask the......
Applications For Damns : " Loaned " For Lent ;
" donated" for given. Only half-damns, I am afraid, for the usages, though thoroughly objectionable (particularly "donated "), are not actually......
A Black Week-and After
N O good will be done by minimising the disasters of the past week. The first thing is to look the facts in the face, and the second to see what should be done about them. What......
Someone raises the vexed question of hyphens, complaining in particular that the columns of this journal are much _too full of them. There is no short and universal law about......