,, THE SPECTATOR" CROSSWORD No. 154 Book Token for one guinea
will be awarded to the sender of the first correct this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week. ;.,e■ope, •iwold be received not later than first post that day and must bear the ,•j•*C.,,,sttord," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a zid. stamp. Solutions must On the ,,rn- below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution i the n.t.ne of the winner will be published in the following issue.]
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Not more gas for this expert.
It proves that the worst get to the top " Beyond this place of wrath and tears - but the Horror of the shade." (Henley.)
"0. were I on - hill! Or bad of Helicon my fill." (Burns.) Heraldry displays pickled rage. To be on the shelf here isn't neces- sarily to be parse.
The stakes in the card game be- tween Cupid and Lyty's C.ampaspe. In taken but not removed.
" And the stately ships go on to their - under the hill." (Tennyson.) Ill-tempered or ill-bred?
No ladies allowed in this vehicle. Perver.e. but what art! lig-saw puzzles must be. Very well, a piece of pie for him. Hypocritical mass.
Illumination in Caithness?
No offence in calling his work rather " precious." Fishermen like than; navigators hate them.
It ko it!
ks though ion has taken the biscu
They're young but incisive. Yet once more, 0 ye Laurels, and once more ye - brown." (Milton.) 7. No players at the theatre?
8. Vague.
9. Horse that goes like an arrow. 18. Not quite the same thing as to hook a pach. t6. It calls for adroitness in India and on the prairie.
17. Ent gels a change of scene.
to. Heavenly snipe!
20. " Alone I did it."
21. Alas! I'm a sausage. as. Founder of Empire Day. 23. Bclloc found his way there.