Shorter Notices
Pattern of Conquest. By Joseph C. Harsch. (Heinemann. 8s.
Ma. HARSCH, former correspondent of the Christian Sc Monitor in Berlin, cannot be said to write agreeable or correct English ; the red light of slovenly style goes up in the sentence and thereafter hardly changes for long even to am But he is a clear thinker and a close student of. German and psychology: in particular, his research into the Nazi my and its correlation with the Wagnerian gods strikes one masterly and enlightening. The book makes a good corn to Mr. Shirer's Berlin Diary; it is roughly true to say that Shirer's gives an artist's picture and Mr. Harsch a scienti expert report, although of course they overlap. The wis thinking which comes upon this country in waves, lessening war effort at its flood and leaving anger or cynicism behind its ebb, is severely attacked. Those who direct or follow political warfare as emanates from London can certainly 1 much from Mr. Harsch's investigations into working-class fee and the weakness and strength of the party machine and in Germany. Like his estimate of Hitler's ultimate intent they are extremely penetrating. More of this kind of thing needed here: it is a pity that there are no longer in Berlin s men as Mr. Shirer and Mr. Harsch to bring information up date, each in his own way. The conclusion of this evidently written in less hurry, is well expressed and also de serious thought.