20 JULY 1850, Page 10


Monday, July 22. Mercantile Marine (No. 2) Bill: Committee (at twelre o'clock.) Supply Committee.

Twenty-eight Bills.

Tuesday, July 23. Irish Poor-law amend—Colonel Dunne.

Income-tax on Farmers : Motion for the remission—Colonel Sibthorp. Motion, "That, looking to the possibility of changes in the value of gold, like that which took place in consequence of the discovery of America, it is expe- dient that the Chancellor of the Exchequer should be authorized to create a Secured Stock, with interest secured on the principle of a corn rent; such Secured Stock to be given by voluntary exchange, at what shall from time to time be the market rates, for other stock to be thereupon extinguished, the premium resulting from such exchange to be carried to the public ac- count"—Colonel Thompson.

Wednesday, July 24. Foor Relief (Cities and Towns) Bill : Second reading. Compound Householders' Bill : Second reading.

Ten other Bills.

Thursday, July 25. Tenant-right (Ireland) Bill: Second reading. Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Bill : Second re.ding. Two other Bills.

Friday, July 26. Crime and Outrage Act (Ireland) Continuance Bill: Second read- ing (at twelve o'clock.)

Savings-Banks Bill: Second reading.