South's Life And Correspondence. * Tars Fifth Volume...
life of Southey from forty-six to fifty-five. Rather more than its immediate predecessor it is defi- cient in biographical incidents, and contains correspondence that might have......
On the 9th July, the Lady of the Hon. and Rev. Francis Clements, Vicar of Nor- ton, of a daughter. On the 11th, at Pull Court, Worcestershire, the Wife of W. Dowdeswell, Esq,,......
OFFICE or ORD:CAMS, July 15.—Royal Regt. of Artillery—First Lieut. H. P. New- ton to be See. Capt. vice When, retired on half-pay ; See. Lieut. J. A. P. Adams to be First Lieut.......
Publications Received.
Boons. A diminished number of arrivals continues to mark the closing season. Dr Bushnan's volume on Cholera, and "Hearts in Mortmain," are already disposed of. Mr. Burke, the......