20 JULY 1850, page 20
Prices Current.
BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Saturd. Moaday. 'Watery. ratan 2%urs. 3 per Cent Consols 981 ex d 964 97 sr 961 Ditto for Account 981 961 91 98 97 97 Spec Cents Reduced 971......
OFFICE or ORD:CAMS, July 15.—Royal Regt. of Artillery—First Lieut. H. P. New- ton to be See. Capt. vice When, retired on half-pay ; See. Lieut. J. A. P. Adams to be First Lieut.......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, July 16. Plarramunnos DISSOLTEIL - Booth and Marland, New Earth, Oldham, spindle- makers-Bowdery and Co. Oxford Street, booksellers ; as far as regards W. Bow-......