20 JULY 1850, Page 19


Boons. A diminished number of arrivals continues to mark the closing season. Dr Bushnan's volume on Cholera, and "Hearts in Mortmain," are already disposed of. Mr. Burke, the genealogist and herald, has tried his hand at avowed fiction, in the shape of a number of tales connected with family his- tories; some of them being not only founded in fact, but probably having little more of fiction than the form.. Mr. Rae's Expedition to trace the yet unsurveyed coasts of the Arctic Ocean undertaken at the desire of the Hud- saes Bay Company, promises an accouirt of adventure, perils, and privations, mei as the hardy servants of that company continually undergo. The new volume of the HAluyt Society does not appear likely to furnish so much interesting reading as most of its predecessors, from its being of the nature of reported rather than observed knowledge. "Denton Hall" is a novel of the present day, smartly written, and we suspect with a spice of satire ; things which may not produce a complete fiction, but which go to make a readable one.

Anecdotes of the Aristocracy, and Episodes of Ancestral Story. By I. Bernard Burke, Esq., Author of "The Peerage • and Baronetage." . Second Series. In two volumes,

Narrative of an _Expedition to the Shores of the Arctic Sea, in 1846 and 1847. By John Rae, Hudson's Bay Company's Service, Com-

mander of the Expedition. With Maps. . eltfensorials of the Empire of Japan, in the XVL and XVII. Centuries.

- Edited, wrth.Notes, by Thomas Bendel'. (Hakluyt Society.) djletit092 Hall ; or the Rough Diamond. In. three volumes.

Chokra and its Cure ; an Historical Sketch. By J. Stevenson Bush- nen, M.D., &c.

Hearts in Hortmain, and Cornelia.

The Fasokee's of York in the Nxteentla Century: including Notices of the Early History of Gaye Fawkes, the Gunpowder not Conspirator. [A curious genealogical account of the ancestors and immediate family con- nexions of Guy. Fawkes, as far as his grandfather • who, it is conjectured, was a cadet of the fernily of Fawkes of Fernley. This is followed by a bis- graphy of the conspirator himself; in which new light is thrown upon his early yeara, by civic and family documents. There is little doubt that the zealous Papist was born and brain Protestant, azul probably converted to Ro- manian' through his mother's second marriage.]

_Relish:sus Mystery Considered. (The Catholic Series.) [Fat so much an essay as a series of thoughts or considerations, designed to stimulate counter thoughts in others. The mystery spoken of refers to the =dent mysteries : the object of the author is not to explain their practices archreologically, but to tram the origin of religious mystery to the nature of the human mmd. There are also some queries of a more general na- ture, relating to the origin of evil, future punishments, and the 'lite.] The Tempter; a Play, in five acts. By Angiolo B. Sloes.

[The subject of this play lathe love of a squire of the Temple for the daughter of one of the Albigenses. The trouble is further complicated by the lover being a son of the Grand Master, supposed to have perished in infancy; while the mother of the lady- has been killed in the persecution of her people, under the orders of the Grand Master. However, by dint of Philip the Fair's- persecution of the order, the lovers are united at last.]

The Garland; or Poetry for Childhood and Youth. [A cheap collection, of a various but juvenile cast.] Researches into the Elects of Cold Water upon the Healthy Body, to Illustrate its Action in Disease ; in a aeries of Experiments performed by the Author upon himself and others. By Howard F. Johnson, &c.

[The account of a series of experiments instituted to trace the effects of some of the hydropathic baths, chiefly upon the circulation and respiration; which effects Dr. Johnson reports to have been very considerable. It is in fact, to an action upon the blood that the Doctor attributes the curative influence of hydropatIty ; though he admits that regimen, change of air and scene, and the cessation of laborious or exciting pursuits, are also powerful means of Cure.)

The Baths of Rhenish Germany ; with Notices of the adjacent Towns. By Edwin Lee. [Extracted from the author's larger work with revision, for the convenience of these who wish for an account of the nearest German baths.] An Inquiry into the Legislation, Control, and Insprovement of the Salmon and Sea Fisheries of Deland. By Herbert Francis Hone.

[An orderly-arranged exposition of the laws regarding fish and fishing in Ireland : it contains besides, a good many facts connected with the subjeet.1 The Decline of .Ersykmd. By Ledra Bailin. Part IL

[This volume continues the 7oofs of our "'decline," and takes a rapid view of the history and "mission' ofFrance; to accomplish which fully, a third revolution would seem to be requte.]

Every-day Things ; or -Useful Knowledge respecting the principal Aisi- mal, Vegetable, and Mineral Substances in Common Use. Written for Young Persons. By a Lady. [A little encyclopsedia of the subjects indicated by the title, embracing the principal articles used for food or manufactures, including vegetable and animal productions, and metals.]

The new editions are not of much amount. The American Notes is a volume of the cheap edition of Dickens's works, now in course of publica- tion. The extracts from the speeches of Sir Robert Peel, published under the title of his "Opinions," have value in themselves, as presenting a handy resume of the statesman's views upon public questions ; and the event of his death gives them additional present interest The "Windings of the River of the Water of Life" is a series of lectures or sermons, by an elegant American divine.

American Notes for General Circulation. By (harks Dickens. With a Frontispiece by C. Stanfield, BA. The Opinions of the Eight Honourable Sir Robert Peel, expressed in Parliament and in Public. Second edition. With a Biographical Memoir.

Windings of the River of the Water of Life, in the Development, Dis- cipline, and Fruits of _Faith. By George B. Cheever, AD. Irzuwriaairun Worms AND Nuarra.

The Life uf Giovanni Anyelko da Fiesok. Translated from the Italian of Timm By Giovanni Aubrey Beazi, with Notes and Mustrations. (Printed far the Arundel Society.) Et- Laurence Distributing Alms- (Arundel Society.) Pamenrais.

The Foundations of ImEridual Character, a Lecture. By William


Lord Cottesshasn's Earldom. Second edition.

The IVIIIth Chapter of Leviticus not the Marriage Code of Dual. By I. P. Brown Westhead, M.P. Lord Lyttelton's Speech in the House of lords on the Third Reading the Australian Colonies Government Bill, July 6, 1860. (Published Mr the Society for the Reform of Colonial Government.) Substance of the Speech of the Right Honourable W. E. Gladstone, MP. for the University of Oxford, on the Affairs of Greece, and the

Foreign Policy of the Administration, on the 27th June 1850.

Sir Ckarke Napser's Indian Baggage-Corps. Reply to Lieutenant- Colonel Berkon's Attack. By Major Montague W urio.