Banb'apicies Annulled-John Crossley; nut, Manchester, and Heliden-bridget; cotton-spinner-Joseph Parkes, Birmingham, coal mei-Ohara.. Bankrupts.-Samnel Carter, Fen Stanton, near St. Ives, Huntingdonshim,nord merchant-James Balls, Salcot, Essex, grocer:-Nathanientallard, Farringdon, Berk- shire, woolstapler-John Yates, Berry-street, Clerkenwell, mustard' manufacttner-, WilliamiCash, High-street, Portland-town, andPeterborough, grocer--George Scott, Cubitt-town,- Isle of Dogs, engineer-George Glasebrool4 Birmingham, plumber-- John Shaw Walker, West' liromwich, licensed victualler-William James Windrein and EdWard Squire' Tebbutt, Leictster, elastic web manufacturers-Willa= Martin, Alfred:Philips l'oule, arid William Richardson Roebeek; Donee-tor, iron manufacl- torero-William Newsham, Blackburn, innkeeper-William Ronald, Manchester, warehouseman.
Septa &guegtrations.-X. P. Maedonald, DturferMline, merehant-5f. Watsorc Edinburgh, draper-J. Liveston, sen., Forfar, spiritdealer-T. Muir and T. Hapburni Larkhall, builders-W. A. Sutherland,: Rdinburgh,:bookseller-D. Cross, Hamilton, general merchant.
FROM TRNLONDON GAEWITE, arrtv 19. Barth•uptcy Annulled.-Loraa Be Wolfe Cochran, late of the South Sea' Homer Threadneedle-street, shipowner and merchant. liankrupts.-Edward John Heard. and James John Walter, Norway-wharf, Wark- ping=wall; packinWease manutticturers-James Smith, Hope-wharf, Macclesfield- street, City-road, cannan and contauctor-William Walker Whelpley, late of SR Johals, New Brunswick, but now in the oily of London, iron, timber, and commis- sion merchant-William Ballard Parringdon Berkshire, woolstapler and fell- monger-Jamea Smith, Guildford, Surrey, builder and innkeeper:-JOhn Gurney Mason, Lincoln, ironmonger-Edwin Maw, Ilfr'mlligham, engineer-William' Thomas Ashwin, Bursient Staffordshire, wine and spirit merchant-Thomas Farmer Perry and John Evans Wilson, Bridgnorth and: Claverley, Salop, timber merchants and farmers - Sarah Bannister, Leominster, Herefordshire, wool dealer--William Mtitmlesileid, Cheshire, wine and spirit merchant.