The Irish Catholica Are Content, And For An Irish Reason.
They have lost the rubber, but won the immediate game. The returns show that the population of Ireland has dwindled by emigration front 6,551,970 to 5,764,542, a decrease of......
After All That Has Been Said, The Times Was Right
about Mr. Roun- dell - Palmer. The post of Attorney-General was offered to the learned gentleman in the most handsome manner, and as handsomely declined by him on the ground......
The New Zealanders Are In Arms Once More, And For
a cause less doubtful than the right of a tribe to forbid land sales. The Waikatos, the strongest of the Maori tribes, have thrown off their allegiance, .declared for a native......
• Parliament ,'has Done Nothing During The Week Except...
the Lords' Amendments to the Bankruptcy Bill, which they did by a majority, of forty-four. They insist on the creditors' as- signee. A report by a Select Committee has been......
News Of Me Week.
T HE President's Message, the event of the week, resembles no- thing so much as a claim for dilapidations. He states the damage Incurred very lengthily, argues his legal right......
We Have Discussed The Elevation Of Lord John Russell To
the peerage, and its results, in another column, but we may here correct some minor but interesting misapprehensions. The facts are as follows : The late Earl Ludlow, who owned......
There Is A General Lull On The Continent, Which Has
none of the effect of - peace. The Emperor is sunning himself at Vichy, but his new - Director of the Press wants to compel foreign correspondents to sign - their names to their......