20 JULY 1861, page 3
Kris Sesisuit. — The Argus Reports That The Waikatos Are...
arms, this time for a native king, and are supposed to be marching on Auckland. The Governor has returned thither in haste, but the town is garrisoned by 2000 troops.......
:it/no.—heavy Rain Has Fallen In The Upper Provinces, And...
dread of a continuance of the famine is over. Colonel Baird Smith sent to examine into the famine, reports that at 100 sepa- rate centres not fewer than 80,000 helpless poor......
Monday, July 15th.
Eimer gentlemen, most of them barristers, have addressed a letter to the daily papers, stating the case of the men as against the masters in the building strike. They state, on......