To the east of Reims, the army of General von
Einem and a new army under General von lgudra, including twenty-five picked divisions, attacked the whole Champagne front, which is com- manded by General Gouraud. The French had organized a very broad zone of defences, and manned their outer line very lightly with innumerable machine-gun outposts. The enemy wreaked the full fury of his bombardment and infantry assault on this outer line. Having passed it after suffering heavy losses, he found him- self faced by the French battle-positions. The " storm troops " had spent themselves on the outer defences, and were too exhausted to make any impression on the main French lines. They attacked incessantly, but were repulsed everywhere. They penetrated into the village of Prunay, immediately to the east of Reims, but could not advance a step further. On Tuesday and Wednesday they made vigorous efforts at various points, but the French position remained intact. The French did not lose a gun. General Gouraud, who did so well in the early days at Gallipoli, had achieved a brilliant victory, resembling that of our Army before Arraa,rwhieh Completely stopped the enemy's onrush on March 28th.