The Household Fuel And Lighting Order. [to The Editor Of
THE " SPECTATOR. " ] Sia,—You write in regard to the ne-v :cad regulations : "The careful householder will probably find little difficulty in keeping well within these rations."......
Rome And Great Britain.
[To THE EDITOR OF vs " SPECTATOR."] Sia,—Your correspondent " Australian " need hardly have asked the question " whether the Vatican is more political than religious, more......
Indefensible Waste.
[To THE Emote OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Sir Alfred Mond's attention has been drawn to an article in your issue of the 6th inst., entitled " Indefensible Waste," in which you......
Ireland• And Conscription.
[To THE Emma or TEE " Brzerwroa."] Ste, — The writer has taken an active part in Irish public affairs for over forty years, and has spent most of the time in intimate......