We Greatly Regret To Record The Death Of...
Roosevelt, Mr. Roosevelt's youngest son, who has been killed in an air-fight. The• addition of such a famous name to the list of those who have gladly offered up their lives is......
Even Germany Can Hardly Ascribe To Land Hunger The...
of Mr. W. M. Hughes, made to the Executive Committee of the Pilgrims on Friday week, that Australia "could not, dared not, assent to the islands formerly owned by Germany in the......
The Men Of The Orange Lodges Are Supposed By An
unwarrantable legend to inflame themselves on their anniversary by heady talk about the " pious and immortal memory." There was not a trace of any such language in the speeches......
While The Men Of North-east Ulster Speak In This Strain,
Sinn Feiners 'and Nationalists clamour for nothing but their right not to help in-the war. What a shameful right And what are we to say of the extraordinary absence of logic,......
The Home Secretary In The House Of Commons On Thursday
week made a frank and courageous speech on the treatment of enemy aliens. It is refreshing in these days, when so many politicians— as well as the journalists to whom Mr. Lloyd......
Mr. Lloyd George, At A Dinner Given At The End
of last week in honour of the Canadian editors now in this country, paid a tribute to Canada's share in the war, referring particularly to the gallantry with which the first......
On The Contrary, They Do Make Ships And. Munitions With
all their strength and all their will. They send into- the Army as many recruits as they dare, remembering that they have to rely upon their own manhood to protect their homes......
Sir George Cave Went On To Say That Persons Who
were not natural- born British subjects would be required to obtain a Hanle Office licence if they wished to change their names. He reminded the House that enemy aliens were......
On Friday Week In 'the House Of Commons Sir George
Cave moved the second reading of the British Nationality and Status of Aliens Bill, which widens the power of the Home Secretary in revoking certificates of naturalization. At......
Several Correspondents Have Written To Us To Express...
surprise at the facts we stated last week about the continuation of slavery in German East Africa. We have not room to deal with the subject again now, but our correspondents......
The Electors Of. East Finsbury At Tuesday's By- Election...
their good sense by returning Mr. H. E. A. Cotton, the Coalition candidate, who polled 1,156 votes to the 576 votes which were given to Captain Spencer, the candidate of Mr.......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 54 Per Cent.
April 5, 1917.......