On Friday week in 'the House of Commons Sir George
Cave moved the second reading of the British Nationality and Status of Aliens Bill, which widens the power of the Home Secretary in revoking certificates of naturalization. At present a naturalized alien cannot be deprived of his British citizenship unless he has obtained it under false pretences. The Bill enables the Home Secretary to revoke certificates whose holders have been guilty of disloyalty or of serious crime, or have a bad character, or have been living outside the Empire and unconnected with it for more than seven years. The nationality of their British-bom wives and young. children will be unaffected, unless the wives desire to become aliens. Certificates granted during the war are to be subject to review. Sir George Cave said that the Dominions and India had accepted the Bill. Mr. Samuel, as an ex-Home Secretary, declared that the enlarged powers were-much needed, though he added that our solemn undertaking to treat certain aliens- as British subjects must not be disregarded as a " scrap of paper."