While the men of North-East Ulster speak in this strain,
Sinn Feiners 'and Nationalists clamour for nothing but their right not to help in-the war. What a shameful right And what are we to say of the extraordinary absence of logic, the dismal muddle-headedness, with which they demand some rights on one ground and other rights on a wholly contradictory ground ? They declare that the Imperial Parliament has no right to• impose Conscription on Ireland on the ground that Conscription has not been sanctioned by an Irish Parliament But they also refuse to allow any one to dispute the right of Irishmen to enjoy the over-representation, the easy taxation, and the very generous Land Laws which have been arranged for them by that same Imperial Parliament. With incredible clumsi- ness, they have appealed to President Wilson to sanction their argument that they have the right to separate from the Union, though Lincoln fought to the bitter end the most bloodthirsty civil war in history in order that such a right of secession as the Sinn Feiners and Nationalists desire should be denied.