Bankers and business men have no difficulty in approv, ing the functions of the new bank in the matter of Repara- tion Payments, but they want clearer evidence of the advantages of the bank as a permanent institution with almost unlimited functions and powers. Just how is the bank to be free- from political influences and what is to happen if there is disagreement on the Board when so many different national interests are affected ?
The other reason why an enlightened public opinion on the problein with which the proposed new bank is-destined to handle is that no matter how good the schenie, and rib matter how much the new bank may aid the probleni of international settlements and gold shortage,- the task of Great Britain is to supply goods and services to the world to an extent sufficient to pay for her necessary imports and to add to the general wealth fund which is required-to maintain the preSent general standard of living. Until this truth has been grasped the country must lack the inspiration which comes to those in other countries who are better informed and are' therefore more mentally