Mental Indolence.
It is true. that in the first place, the recommendations of the Expert - Con:Mate& are a Matter for the considera;- tion of and decision 'by the respective Governments con-......
The Proposed, Super - Bank I No Not Know How Far Bankers
will-agree with me when I put forward my view- that': at the present time we are suffering from a good deal of mental lethargy. There would, I think, be few who would be......
The New Bank.
In a recent issue of the Spectator I explained fully, and I hope- clearly, the two main reasons put forward by the Paris CoMmittee for the establishment of a Bank for......
A War Product.
Doubtless there is at leaSt one fairly simple explanation of this mental lethargy: - During the War the money market was scarcely a free agent, its dealings in Lombard Street......
Problems Of The Moment.
And if I were asked to cite an example of this mental lethargy where great issues are at stake, - I should have no hesitation in instancing the inadequate attention given by......
Easy Acquiescence.
Consequently, we find that important 'matters affecting the commerce and finances of the 'country - come chiefly before dpecial Expert . Committees, With full knowledge of all......
More Light Needed.
Such being the case, however, I suggest that there is all the greater need for a more active and intelligent interest being taken in the project by the banking community. It is......
Sir Josiah Stamp's View.
Quite recently I had the privilege of listening to Sir Josiah Stamp on the occasion of a dinner given in his honour by the Society of Incorporated Accountants. The moment, of......