Probable Effect On The Individual.
So much for what may be called the national aspect of the proposal. There remains the probable effect on the individual in his capacity of - depositor or borrower. It is well......
Points For Consideration.
Bankers and business men have no difficulty in approv, ing the functions of the new bank in the matter of Repara- tion Payments, but they want clearer evidence of the advantages......
Political Factor.
Assuming that nationalization of our banks were carried through, there would probably be a development in, two main directions. First, what would be the policy of the Government......
Under a nationalized system control would probably be centred in an executive sitting in London, and the local representative would have for his guidance a book of elaborate......
More Light Needed.
Such being the case, however, I suggest that there is all the greater need for a more active and intelligent interest being taken in the project by the banking community. It is......
Nationalization Of Banks
NATIONALIZATION has occupied of recent years a prominent place in- the Labour Party's programme, and now that we have a Labour Government in power there is naturally some......