20 JUNE 1829, Page 14



The sixth edition of the Little Villager's Verse-Book, by Mr. Bowles—A Third Volume of Sir Jonah Barrington's Memoirs—Dr. Burrowes, Dean of Cork, announces a volume of Sermons on the First Lessons of the Morning Service for the Sundays from Septuagesima to Trinity Sunday—M. Cmsar Moreau, the late French Vice-Consul at London, has undertaken to prepare a sort or Library of Reference of all the Works of interest in the libraries of Paris, for the use of the young Duke of Bordeaux. "There are in these libraries about six millions of volumes of hooks, and two millions of manu- scripts; and H. Moreau intends to analyse them all, so as to take about one million of the best books and about half a million of manuscripts, of which he will make a Cats- logue of Reference, so that the young Prince may, at a glance at the titles, be able to turn to the work of every author of note, on whatever subject. For this purpose a room is to be prepared, fitted up with drawers, on each of which will be pasted the title : each drawer will form a division, and within will be the subdivisions and sections' with the heads : for instance, the word population will be placed on a drawer, in which will be found cards of reference to every author, ancient and modern, who has written on the subject, with notes by M. Moreau ; and so with every other title."—Literary Gazette.


Spineto's Lectures on Hieroglyphics, Svo. 163. bds.—Kennecly's Eschyli Agamemnon, royal Se°. 128. bds.—Maddin's Travels in Turkey, 2 vols. Svo. 11. 4s. bds.—Waldgrave, 3 vols. post tivo. II. 7s. bds.—Josephine's Memoirs (French), Vol. HI. bro. 8s. Macfarlane's Constantinople, 4to. 2/. 10s. bils.—Carlisle's Account of the Privy Cham- ber, Svo. 11. bds.—Adventures of a King's Page, 3 vols. post Svc. 1/. Ils. tid. bds.—Me- rnoirs of Lady Fanshaw, Svo. 14s. bds.—Parry's Anthology, fc.8vo. Us. bds.