20 JUNE 1829, page 14

The Church.

The Marquis of Bath has presented the Rev. Lewis Tugwell to the living of Long. bridge-Deverill, Wilts.—The Lord Bishop of St. David's has collated the Rev. David Felix, B.D. of......

The Universities.

OxFoRD, June 15.—In a convocation, holden this day, the Masters of the Schools took the oaths of office ; and the Rev. E. Burton, B.D. late Student of Christ Church, and Regius......


MEDICAL SUPERIORITY OP TkIE FRENcII,--It might be proved as the result of this system, of which we have given but an imperfect outline, that France in medical science is nearly......

Lindsay On Flute-playing.*

THE use of wind instruments (with the single exception of the tri impet) has undergone a great change within the last forty years. The ir com- pass, their tone, their character,......

East India Shipping.

The wind having blown fresh from the westward, the arrivals fro F m R I I n D d A ia ir are E v t numerous. By the Prince Regent advices have been received to the 16th February......

Literary Announcements.

BOOKS 14 TfIE PRESS, OE PREPARING FOR PUBLICATION. The sixth edition of the Little Villager's Verse-Book, by Mr. Bowles—A Third Volume of Sir Jonah Barrington's Memoirs—Dr.......

The Army.

WAR-OFFICE, June 15.—Memorandum—The half-pay of the undermentioned Officers has been cancelled from the 25th Dec. 1828, inclusive, on their receiving a commuted allowance for......