20 JUNE 1829, Page 14


The Marquis of Bath has presented the Rev. Lewis Tugwell to the living of Long. bridge-Deverill, Wilts.—The Lord Bishop of St. David's has collated the Rev. David Felix, B.D. of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, to the vicarage of Llanilar, Cardiganshire.— The Rev. G. Coldham was last week instituted to the rectory of Pensthorpe, Norfolk, on the presentation of the Rev. R. Haniond, of Swaifliam.—On Tuesday last, the Lord Bishop of Peterborough instituted the Rev. T. Speidell to the rectory of Crick, in the county of Northampton, vacant by the death of the Rev. G. L. Schoen, LL.D.; on the presentation of the president and scholars of St. John's College, Oxford.—On Sunday last the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Exeter held an Ordination in the Cathedral, when A. Hamilton, B.C.L. Trinity, Cambridge; F. H. Bele, A.B. Queen's, Oxford; F. T. New, A.B. St. John's, Oxford ; W. N. Snowe, A.B. Worcester, Oxford; E. Strangways, A.B. St. John's, Cambridge ; T. H. Vyvyan, A.B. Trinity, Cambridge, were admitted into the holy order of Deacons, and E. T. Allen, St. John's, Cambridge ; W. Bills;;, M.A. Christ Church, Oxford; J. Gattey, A.B. Sidney Sussex, Cambridge ; J. B. Good- win, A.B. Sidney Sussex, Cambridge ; T. Hare, A.B. Queen's, Cambridge ; E. C. Har- rington, A.B. Worcester, Oxford ; NV. NV. Harvey, A.B. Queen's, Cambridge ; E. H. Kempe, A.B. Exeter. Oxford; S. N. Kingdon, A.B. Trinity, Cambridge; 0. Landon, A.B. IN'orcester, Oxford ; J. Medley, A.B. wadham, Oxford ; J. H. Parlby, A.B. Uni- versity, Oxford ; C. Rawlins, A,B. Trinity, Cambridge ; H. R. Southwell, A.B. Exeter, Oxford ; H. Thorne, A.B. Lincoln, Oxford ; J. M. Williams, A.B. Queen's, Cambridge ; E. Williams, A.B. Pembroke, Oxford ; F. Langford and W. Yonge, A.B. Jesus, Cam- bridge, were admitted into the holy order of Priests.—On the same day, the Rev. E. L. W. Yonge, A.B. was licensed by the Bishop to the Perpetual Cure of Fritheistock, Devon, on the nomination of H.W. Johns, of Blandford Forum, Dorset, Esq. J. Passing. ham, of Boython House, Cornwall, Esq. and Prudence his wife, formerly Prudence Johns, Elizabeth Johns and Mary Johns, spinsters, and Harriet Vyvyan, widow, former Harriet Johns, all of Helston, true patrons, void by the resignation of the Rev. Richard Lloyd.