Le Nozzi Di Figaro.
MADAME MALIBR.AN has .proved :the justice of an opinion we have repeatedly expressed—she has played a part without affectation, and her success.hasbeen complete. Her Susannais a......
The Hanoverian Ladies.
Moen interest is excited for the Hanoverian ladies, BOTH; whose distresses, apparently acting upon a morbidly acute pride, have prompted them to the commission of more than one......
Representation Of The University Of Cambridge.
AN attempt was made to give adventitious interest to the Cambridge University election, by holding it up as a contest between Whigs and Tories. We do not think that such a......
The Chancellor And The Morning Journal. Topics Of The Day.
THE Morning _Journal is a paper of great spirit and great zeal, but not at all times of great discretion. • It, and several of its contempo- raries who advocate a similar line......