20 MARCH 1915, Page 1


,-Wwrote HEN we wte last week we were only able to chronicle very briefly the news that on Wednesday, March 10th, we bad achieved a considerable local success at Neuve Chapelle. Now, however, that we have the details of the action contained in the spirited despatch from " Eyewitness " we are able to realize that the battle was not one of those con- fused events which are brought on by accidental circumstances, but a deliberate and well-planned attack by our troops. Sir John Frenoh, for reasons not disclosed, chose a particular section of the enemy's line, massed opposite it in complete secrecy a huge force of guns—some accounts say four hundred, including some of the newest and most powerful artillery on wheels that the world has yet seen—collected, also in great secrecy, some forty-five thousand men in front of and around the artillery, and then when the Germane were not expecting it burled his thunderbolt upon Neuve Chapelle, a place at which the German line formed a not very well- marked salient.