In The Lords On Monday Lord Kitchener Made A Remark-
able appeal to the workers who are producing munitions of war, together with a warning as to the inevitable results of failing to increase the output. He explained that a very......
In The Commons On Monday Lord Robert Cecil Called Attention
to the situation of the Bill for postponing the operation of the Welsh Church Bill till six months after the war. The written memorandum which the Government had given to the......
In The Eastern Theatre Of The War The News Is
also good. The Russian troops are once again on German soil, this time in the neighbourhood of Memel, in North-East Prussia. The German Headquarters speak of their having gained......
On Thursday The Swedish Steamer ' Gebeland,' Laden With...
and other provisions, was brought into the Tees in the custody of a British patrol boat. The vessel is thus the first capture under the provisions of the Order in Council......
An Important Indian Debate Took Place In The House Of
Lords on Tuesday on the proposal to create an Executive Council for the United Provinces of Agra and Ondh. The proposal took the form of a draft proclamation by the Viceroy......
The Admiralty Announced On Monday That Between March 18th...
14th seven British merchantmen were attacked by German submarines. The • Adenwen ' (3,798 tons) was torpedoed in the English Channel and was towed into Cher- bourg. The •......
From The Dardanelles There Is Not Much News, Due No
doubt to the fact that the operations have now reached a critical stage, and that the publication of the progress made might be injurious. All we know is that we have cleared......
In Chronicling The Good News In The Western Theatre We
must not forget that the Belgian Army has during the week made considerable progress on the Tiler, while the French have been doing very well in the Champagne district. They are......
We Are Glad To Note That The Tempt, While Diseussing
the question of the Dardanelles, takes exactly the line which we took a fortnight ago as to the fntnie of Constantinople and of the Bosphorus and Dardanelles. It is quite clear......
We Do Not Wish To Exaggerate In Any Way The
importance of the action at Nears Chapelle. Though the numbers al British troops engaged were double those engaged at Water- loo, and though the casualties were probably......