The Clergy Rest - House At God:metall. [to Use Eorroa Or Use
"Srmrsron."3 Sra, — For our poorer clergy at home, whose parochial work and domestic anxieties are greatly increased by the war, and for the families of many Army chaplains now......
Bulls And Commas
urn ms EDITOR OF sea ••Sescrarou... J Stn,—Reading in your issue of March 6th the letter on "Commas" and the article on " Bulls," I am impelled to send you the following......
Lto Rex Emma Or The “sesotator."1
Sin,—Tour recent article and letters on the above subject recall to mind a competition which took place at a young people's gathering. The guests were given a slip of paper with......
[to The Editor. Of The -srscnirca.")
have jest seen your review of Mr. Perey's hook, and I happen to possess the book itself. From the volume, and (it seems like a bull to say) from the review also, I miss the......
On Commas.
/To THE Forme or THE Sracostos."1 Sun,—In the interesting article "On Commas" in the Spectator of February 27th the writer considerably understates his case in saying that " the......
The Central Association Of Volunteer Training Corps.
Passmear LORD DESBOROUGH. Hon. sscaursar PERCY A. HARRIS, Esq. Haan OMCBS Judges' Quadrangle, Royal Courts of Justice (Carey Street entrance). The aims and objects of this force......
0 [to The Editor Or Ma .sracrsroul
Sin,—Here is another story for the friendly consideration of those who are discussing the advisability of dispensing with that useful little aid to clarity, the comma. In IBM......
Bulls And Blunders.
ITO THE EDITOR OF TEM SPECTATOR.. j Bra,—After reading "Bulls and Blunders " in the Spectator of March 6th I think these three curious remarks made to me may came amusement.......
Notice.—when "correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed Wilh...
or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held he be to agreement with the views therein expressed or milk the mode qf......
The " Spectator " Home Guards Fund. Sonscarrnons For This
Fund should be sent to the Spectator Office, or direct to Messrs. Barclay and Co., Goslings' Branch, 19 Fleet Street, London, E.C. Cheques should be made payable to the......