In the Commons on Monday Lord Robert Cecil called attention
to the situation of the Bill for postponing the operation of the Welsh Church Bill till six months after the war. The written memorandum which the Government had given to the Opposition leaders after negotiations on the subject was a "-acrap of paper ", of absolute value. But the Welsh Liberal Members were trying to upset the arrangement, He appealed to them to be just. Mr. Asquith and Mr. Lloyd George both explained that the Welsh Members had not been consulted by the Government owing to a misunderstanding, Mr. Lloyd George's appeal to the Welsh Members was very striking. To seem to go back upon an act of conciliation and justice, he declared, would be the surest way to excite demand for the repeal of the Welsh, Chetah Act. We may add here that on Tuesday the Commons, after aceepting the Lords' amendments to the new Defence of the Realm Bill and postponing the Welsh Church Postponement Bill, adjourned till April 14th.