The spirit of our own troops appears to have been
extra- ordinarily good, and shows that the fears of those who imagined that the trench habit had ruined them for other forms of fighting were ill-founded. Even after days sad nights of incessant combat, during which, as "Eyewitness" reminds us, they had to lie out for hours exposed to heavy fire, and in spite of their terrible casualties, they displayed little evidence of the 94.19/13 to which they had been subjected. There is the sign in which we shall conquer. Our men are human, and their nerves are sometimes stretched to , the breaking. point, but we venture to say that, taken as a whole, they will give out later than their enemies. They will "stick it" longer than any troops with whom they will be confronted, or, indeed, than any troops in the world. The companies, we are told, "swung cheerily through the villages on the way back from the trenches," and even those who had been most severely hied were fit for anything after one night's rest.