We do not wish to exaggerate in any way the
importance of the action at Nears Chapelle. Though the numbers al British troops engaged were double those engaged at Water- loo, and though the casualties were probably heavier, the battle will not make history, except in so far as it shows the diffi- catty of the task in front of us. It affords the country ocular demonstration, however, that the three things we need for victory are more men, more guns, and more shells. But as we have shown elsewhere, we cannot obtain these things is sufficient quantity unless the country is made to understand the nature of the work before it. Concentration of mind and of body, in our wbole people is essential. Can we hope foe such concentration if our mottoes are to be "Business as meal "; "Luxury as usual "; "Amusements as usual"; and, worst of all, "Drink as usual "? The country is waiting for a lead. Nothing would ranee it more quickly than if our rulers were to take the &raises out of our hands, throw the liquor on the ground, and tell us firmly: "No more of that till the war is over!" "All right; but why didn't you do it earlier?" would, we are convinced, be the instant reply of the nation.-