(To re• Ennui or :as ''SrSerrr011.1
Sea,—I have been a regular reader of the Spectator ever since Colonel Roosevelt, about ten years age, advised me to take it. Even to-day, in spite of the war and my intense love for the glorious country of my birth, I greatly admire your literary style. I have always given you credit for an unusual degree of intelligence, but I am getting a little dubious when you print in your columns (February 13th) that preposterous letter by Mr. Chase Siete, who says, among other silly things, that " the United States" is for the Allies, and that a man who would take the side of Germany and publicly announce it would be hooted and derided. Of course, being a German barbarian, and believing with all my heart in the justice of Germany's cause, I cannot hope for the publication of my letter, but for your personal information let me tell you that there are several minima of Americans, thousands of them with not a German drop of blood in their veins, who would be hooted and derided a dozen times every day if what Mr. Sims says were true. In the same issue of the Spectator I find a letter by "0. D. M.," who writes that Germany is vastly more popular now than in September. That is patting it very mildly. From my personal observation, and with no desire to offend you, I can assure you that public sentiment in regard to the war has undergone a change that is little short of marvellous. Two "reeks ago I went to Washington. During my trip I never heard an unfriendly word against Germany, although I am rather aggressive in proclaiming my sympathies. Of coarse I met people who frankly told me that they sided with the Allies, but even these people refused to believe a single one of the horrible stories about German atrocities, Ac. I have a suspicion that you do not believe them your- self. Almost every American counts at least a dozen Germane among his friends or acquaintances. Probably six of them have served in the German Army. Can he imagine a single one of them to be assassins of children or violators of women P Of coon* not I It seems to me that this argument alone should be sufficient to explain the remarkable change in public sentiment Ifummi nail a me aliment pato. My personal feelings do not prevent me from admiring the spirit of the fine young fellows that are fighting so bravely for England. At least I conscientiomly try to do them toll justice. My heart is sorry for every English mother that is mourning the loss of a beloved son. Some day, in a happier time, we may meet and shake hands. And then, when the baternees of this bloody conflict is a thing of the Feet, you will sorely not hesitate to admit that the Germans, after all, are jest as good and kind-hearted as you believed them to be before this unfortunate war.-1 am, Sir, SIO.
"Gerivionia " Editorial ROOHEE, EMIT, TON So1111.11INITZ. Mihcaukaa March 4th.
[We do not believe all the stories of German atrocities, but we believe some, and in certain wayi the worst of them, bemuse the German military authorities have themselves supplied us with the evidence that proves their truth. We mean the stories of the shooting of hostages contrary to justice and humanity, and in violation of the Hague Con- ventions signed by Germany. These and the massacre at Louvain cannot be denied and cannot he excused. They were not the ill deeds Of individual soldiers, but the outcome of orders issued by German Generals. They are crimes that cannot be forgotten. Our correspondent is very sanguine if he thinks America is going over to the side of Germany. All the evidence is the other way, as he will soon discover. We do not blame him for his optimism. He is quite right to Mend by his own flesh and blood. He leo German, however, and not an American.—En. Epeetater.)