20 MARCH 1915, Page 15

ENGLAND AND HOLLAND. fro one Entree or TEM "Srrcreros.•']

SI12,—TO judge of Holland to-day one must consider that the people of a country arc apt, in thinking of themselves as a unit, to return to their greatest days; as a man often judges of his game of golf by the one match when be played rather better than Colonel Bogey himself. This may be the explanation of the fact that even at this moment the Dutch are inclined, after a comprehensive tirade against Germany and German methods, to end with the unexpected phrase: ",But England is, after all, our enemy." The country as a whole is pro-Allies. No one living here can doubt that, In the music-halls " Tipperary "is cheered; at the cinematograph■ the director begs, when war maps are shown, that the audience, silent before the German advance, will not cheer the advatscing Allies. But down underneath are two feelings difficult to uproot—the remembrance of the days of Tromp and de Ruyter, and the present fear that Java and Sumatra, the richest colonies in the world, will prove too great a temptation to England. For in Holland the conviction Lae at last become fixed that the Germane are fighting a losing battle. It is difficult to see why it has taken six months to bring home to the Dutch people the certainty of what their position would be. With the Germans in Belgians they realize at last that Antwerp in German hands means the Schelde, and probably Rotterdam, lost to Holland. Just now there ie great nervousness in the country. Leave in the Army is withdrawn, and the German Note has been answered with firmness; but underneath all this we in England must not forget the recurrence of the old phrase England has always been our enemy," and the almost panic fear for the safety of the colonies. An assurance from high quarters that England at the end of the war will respect not only the integrity of the small nations, but their colonies as well, would be invaluable. We must choose this minute when Germany's threats of piracy upon the seas are causing great financial /ass to impress upon public opinion in Holland the friendly assurance of the Allies' intentions.—I am, Sir, d.c.,

The Hagar, February 23rd.