20 MAY 1837, Page 10

The South Australian Commissioners have received further des- patches from

their Surveyor-General, Colonel LIGHT. He has dis- covered a second harbour on the Eastern side of Spencer's Gulf, near Mount Lofty, in latitude about 35 degrees south. This harbour is described as being decidedly superior to Rapid Bay, (the first dis- covered,) while the land in the neighbourhood is equally excellent. Colonel LIGHT is so entirely satisfied with this spot, that he considers it almost useless to examine other sites previous to deciding on the situation of the chief town.

A very friendly intercourse had been commenced between the settlers and the natives.

Since the date of the previous despatches, the Emma, the Afticaine, and the Tam O'Shanter had arrived ; and letters from Hobart Town speak of the Buffalo, which carried out the Governor and Colonial Commissioner, having been seen entering Spencer's Gulf.