A Dispute Has Taken Place Between Mr. O'driscoll, The Editor
of the Cork Southern Reporter, and Dr. Baldwin, M. P., in consequence of some remarks which were made in the Southern Reporter on speech of Dr. Baldwin at a recent mesting held......
The Buke Of Norfolk Has Subscribed 10/. To The Fund
for the erer3trlinees monuments in e capitals of England and Scotland to the mete - of Messrs. Muir, Palmer, Skirving, Margaret, and Gerald. The Archbishop of York has placed at......
Thl Tories mire culhi hg paragraphs from all the provincial papers of their party to prove the nationaf exultation at the triumph of Burdett ! With equal weight, and far more......
An extensive failure has taken place in Glasgow—that of Oswald and Company. This unfortunate occurrence is the cause of the re- signation by Mr. James Oswald of his seat in the......
The Report Of The Select Committee Of The House Of
Commons 0.11 the publication of printed papers has been put into eirculattort this week. It will be recollected that the inquiry arose from the trial of Stockdale versus Hansard......
Perhaps Our Readers May Recollect That Mr. James Stuart...
bad a legacy of 10,0001. recently left him by Mrs. Freeman, a very wealthy old lady, who resided at Houseley Hull, in Yorkshire The fact was carefully recorded in all the 'I ory......