The Italian Opera.
,ogra's opera of Maids Adel, which was produced at Paris during e last season with considerable success, was given here on Thursday vening, on the occasion of RUBINT'S benefit.......
The Philharmonic Concerts. Considering How Very Limited...
of writers whose names appear, or are worthy to appear in the schemes of these concerts, it would seem desirable, and certainly not difficult, so to arrange them that they......
Madame Schrceder-devrient.
Jr PASTA'S failure be signal, Scutum:lea's triumph on the boards of Drury Lane is complete. We had some doubts and misgivings as to her power to sustain, in a new and till very......
Madame Pasta.
As we anticipated, PASTA'S lust Visit to London has added nothing to her reputation. Even had she retained all her powers, it would be diffi- cult to say what efficient display......