Aare' tines of Captain Bonneville; or Scenes beyond the Rocky'Mountains of the
---i.,',.'wegj, By "Washington Irving, Author of the "Sketch-Book." " The Alham- bra," "Astoria." am In 3 vuls Beaky.
FIVrrertila. By the Author of "Vivian Grey" end " Henrietta Temple." In 3 vols. Colbars.
Morose, The History of Ireland. By Thomas 'Moore, Esq. In 3 vols. Vol.II. (Lardner's
Cyclairettia, No. 90.) Longman and Co.
CURRENCY. The History of Banking in America : with an Inutdr: how far the Banking Insti-
tution. of America are adapted to this Country ; and a lieu iew of the Causes of the Remit Pressure on the aloney-inarket. By James William Gilbart, General Manager of the London and Westminster Bank Lonourn and Co.