20 MAY 1837, Page 5

The first or spring show of plants, fruits, and flowers,

took place at the Horticultural Gardens at Chiswick on Saturday. The state of the weather kept the company away. The appearance of the gardens, from the backwardness of the season, was dreary and almost winter. like. Tire plants, however, exhibited, were most superb : in fact, as far as the exhibition went, it was perhaps the very hest that has ever been seen in these grounds. The prizes were afterwards distributed.

In the metropolis, as well as in many provincial towns, preparations for celebrating Wednesday next, the Princess Victoria's birthday, are in progress. Mr. Harvey was requested to act as one of the Stewards at the Lambeth dinner ; but he refused, stating his reasons in the following letter to Mr. Henderson, the Secretary-

" Raleigh House, May IS. "Sir—I must decline the honour of being a Steward on the °ems mentioned in Tour letter or the 15111 inst. As the admirer and nitre,,,te of popular institutions, it hoes not comport with my notions of independence to worship the idol of rb.itt; noyaltv. If the young PritleeSS acquits herself, as her friends anticipate and the Dation desires, I shall be amongst the most fait hfitl of her subjects; but the examples a hereditary rulers do not just Or flattery by anticipation."

Is not this something like over-righteousness?

The 14th of June is the day fixed for the grand dinner of the City Tories. The pavilion, to be erected in Gray's Inn Lane, will hold two thousand persons.

A sermon was preached yesterday in Bow Church, by the Bishop of Durham, in aid of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts; and afterwards, the Lord Mayor gave a dinner to the Archbishop of Canterbury and fifteen Bishops. There must have been a vast consumption of good things—fifteen Bishops and a Primate at one table!

About 300/. was subscribed for the relief of thedistressed High- landers, at a meeting held on Saturday at Willis's Rooms. Of this sum the Duke of Buccleuch, who was Chairman, gave Mt.