20 MAY 1837, Page 5

The Nassau balloon ascended from Vauxhall Gardens on Monday, and

again on Tuesday evening. On Monday, after travelling twenty- five miles in twenty-three minutes, it descended at Honey in Sussex, a little before seven. On Tuesday, it descended at Charlwood Park, near Crawley, Sussex, twenty.six talks from London, after a voyage of about an hour. Mrs. Graham's balloon ascended from the Surry Zoological Gar- dens on Monday. The weather was boisterous, but Mrs. Graham showed no signs Of fear. She descended in safety, at Bletehingley. On Tuesday, she made another ascent, accompanied by her husband,

Mr. Jephson, and Signor Jacopo the celebrated monkey. abie411M. was well-behaved for about five minutes, when it was found ne-cessary to drop him in a parachute, in which he alighted 011 1Valworth Com- mon : he was labelled with a promise of 2/. on his restoration, and arrived without injury at the Gardens after a quarter of an hour's ab- sence. The balloon descended in a field near Sir Charles Grey's rears dence, at Carshalton.

Greenwich fair was held on Monday and Tuesday. An immerse number of persons—seventy or eighty thousand—went to Greenwich, principally in steam-boats and on the railway. There was only OLE, assault; and that was committed by a brutal prizefighter, one Gf is gang hired by some members of the aristocracy, to kick up a row.. These"gentlemen " went to Greenwich in two omnibuses, one oS which was driven by a nobleman. The prizefighter was fined 71. t4. by the Magistrates, and his aristocratic friends paid the money foe A singular incident, we are informed, took place on Monday night v.. a gaming-house recently opened in St. James's Street. 'The yottnees brother of a noble marquis, who is an energetic and not unsuccessful aspirant to notoriety, was stripped in a short time of the sum of 3,af5e., which had just been given to him by his friends for the purchase of a commission. When reduced to the low water-mark of 33/. Forums; however, took a turn in his favour ; and by means of a succession of lucky throws, he suddenly found himself in possession not only of he original fund, but of 6,000/. in addition.—Morning Post.