20 MAY 1837, Page 7


A very large meeting of the inhabitants of Dublin and the vicinity was

held on :Monday, in the Coburg Gardens, to address the King to retain his present :Ministers. According to the correspondent of the Times even, soon after the meeting was opened between twenty and thirty thousand persons were present, and thousands were then pouring to the place; of assembly ; but the Ministeriel papers state the numbers at about 120,000. It was certainly a very great meeting. The Earl of Charlemont was chairman ; and near him were the Earl of Milltown, Lord Talbot de Malabble, Mr. F. Ponsonlos Mr. II. ll'estenra, Mr. Cavendish, Sir William Sot»erville, Sir .1 houses Esinonde, Sir W.

Parke, Sir W. Palmer, Mr. 11. Grattan, Mr. W. F. Finn, Colonel White, and many other Liberals of property and distinction. 'rhe Tories did not appear, but contented themselves with a hole-and-corner protest. Not a single avvident of any kind occurred. The vast as- sembly was unanimous and orderly.

This formidable demonstration was preceded on Wednesday sen- night by one of it similar character in Wexford county. Almost the whole of the adult impel:dim) of that comity assembled mit the bidding of Lord Carew, the Loot Lieutemmt, mid passed resolutions declaring their detsrmittation to support Ministers. If Lord Melbourne keep his ground, it will be owilig to 1,,,rd Mulgrave and the firs') Executive. There really seems to be holiest enthusiasm iii favour of the Whig Ministers in Ireland.

Mr. Pierce Mahotly has addressed the electors of Kinsale, as a can- didate for their suffrages. l lc avows hi:itself a Radical Reformer, an advocate for the total abolition of tithes, " jim substance and name."

Mr. Gregg, an Orange Magistrate, has been dismissed front the commission of the peace itt the comity of Down, in consequence of some very questionable proceedings adopted by him to recover an al- leged arrear of rent.