20 MAY 1922, Page 13


THE " SPECTATOR."] Sia,—I have read with great interest in the last issue of the Spectator Mr. Bertram's article on " Three Eminent Victorians in Art." I note the Editor's suggestion that one of the Bond Street Galleries should hold an exhibition of drawings by William Etty, William Mulready and Daniel Maclise, and I, for one, would be glad to carry out this suggestion. There is no doubt that the annual exhibition of the works of eminent but neglected water-colour painters of the late eighteenth and nineteenth century held at Walker's Galleries has been of considerable value to connoisseurs and collectors. Unfortu- nately, however, an exhibition of drawings by any of the artists named would be an extremely difficult matter owing to the fact that works by these artists have at present no pecuniary value, and therefore rarely appear on the market.

Perhaps some of the readers of the Spectator may have stored away in portfolios and drawers forgotten drawings which might be of use for this purpose. I suggest that this is probably the case, as these artists are known to have been very prolific. Should sufficient drawings be forthcoming to enable me to hold an exhibition I should be glad to do so, and also to add their names to those whose biography has been recorded in TValker's Quarterly, and should therefore be grateful for any details concerning their Iives.—I am, Sir, &c.,