The Collected Edition Of The Historical Works Of Sir Francis
Palgrave, projected by his son, the late Sir R. H. Inglis Palgrave, and then supervised by his great-grandson, Mr. G. P. Barker, is now complete (Cambridge University Press, ten......
H.r.h. Prince Edward's Speeches In India. (madras : G. A.
Natesan. 1 rupee.)—We have pleasure in recording the appearance of this collection of the speeches made by the Prince of Wales during his long tour in India and Ceylon. It does......
Mr. H. M. Tomlinson's Book, Waiting For Daylight (cassell...
Co., 7s. 6d. net), provides just the sort of bedside reading that many fastidious people find it a little hard to procure. His essays are discursive, intelligent, and presented......
In The Growing Girl Miss Evelyn Saywell (methuen And Co.,
Is. net) has written a most useful little pamphlet. She has set down a very good summary of the most accepted modern views upon adolescence. In spite of the book's compactness......
Everybody's Dog Book. By Major A. J. Dawson. (collins. 10s.
6d. net.)—This is not a systematic treatise but a collection of papers about dogs in general, with some stories of particular dogs. The author writes very sensibly on the care......
A Short History Of The British Drama. By Benjamin Brawley.
Harrap. 7s. 6d. net.)—" This book," says the author in his preface, " makes no special effort to be original or profound. It aims simply to set forth in brief compass the main......