20 MAY 1922, page 20

The Victorian Age.

THE Rede Lecture on The Victorian Age, delivered by the Dean of St. Paul's at Cambridge on May 9th, has been printed (Cambridge University Press, 2s. 6d. net). It will please......


THE CHARLES MEN.* IT is a commonplace that good books are harder to review than bad : the quality of badness is generally demonstrable —by quotation, say, or general analysis ;......

Applied Physics.

THE applications of physical science to modern industry are very numerous and increasingly important. We are glad, therefore, to commend A Dictionary of Applied Physics, edited......

News Hunting On Three Continents.

Tan late Mr. Julius Chambers, who formerly edited the New York Herald and afterwards the New York World, left an un- commonly readable volume of memoirs, entitled News Hunting......

A Faith That Enqltires.t

Trazocu described the Grammar of Assent as an attempt to establish religious belief on irrational grounds. That famous book, which unphilosophically-minded persons welcomed as a......