OTHER NOVELS.—Heather Mixture. By " Klaxon." (Black- wood. 7s. 6d.
net.)—A novel of sport. There are long descrip- tions of grouse-shooting and a certain amount of hunting. All this is mixed in with an appropriate love interest. Sportsmen will doubtless enjoy the book.—The People Against Nancy Preston. By John A. Moroso. (Methuen. 7s. 6d. net.)—An American detective story. The difference of the point of view between the American and our own police will at once strike the English reader. In England the detective, although the hunter, has a tolerant affection for the criminal. The police officials of New York seem to take a different point of view. The book is written in an extraordinary jargon which, though doubtless correct, makes it rather hard reading.—The Red HouseMystery. By A. A. Milne. (Same publisher. 6a. net.)—It is difficult to make any remarks which are not laudatory about this book as criticism must be justified, and justification might reveal the secret of the plot, which would be unfair to the author. Suffice it to say that the author tells us that the book is a detective story, and we can guarantee that it is written with great lightness of touch and that the plot is exceedingly ingenious.