[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIE,—I happen to know that the excellent Greek epigram for the Chancellor of the Exchequer which you published last week refers to his Newcastle, and not to his Limehouse, speech. The author originally headed it "Newcastle," and to a Greek scholar the allusion is obvious. " Acharnai" was the Newcastle of Attica. Limehouse would be better represented .by the Peiraeus. I will not reveal the authorship ; suffice it to say that the Newcastle epigram is the work of a Newcastle [As the epigram in question was disfigured by some wrong accents in the copy sent to us, we are glad of the opportunity to repeat it in its correct form ;— 'Ev rais 'Axapvcas 8.771.1cryoryucbs, riper Tan VI)" ijcorras Aotaopei yecarybs ay.
Acharnai, as another correspondent reminds us, was the .deme where the charcoal came from.—En. Spectator.]