Tat. CARAVANERS.* THE formula which the author of Elizabeth and her German Garden has adopted in her new novel is one which lends itself remarkably well to her equipment and......
Tales From Bpenser.f
IT is not the sMallest merit ota hook such as this that it will lead those whoitilt delights While they are young to make later on the acqnaintance of On classic upon which it......
The French Procession.*
IN a certain way Madame Duclaux is 'a better critic of the literature of her adopted country than any of its own sons or daughters can be. She is just so far 'removed as to be......
Teem Boma* Assfmblies.*
WE can &Mlle more than call the attention of our readers to this careful - efudy of Roman government as it presents itself to the inquirer on its popular side. Every chapter is......