Cheddar Gorge.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] EIB, - YOU were kind enough to publish last August a letter about the steps that we (the National Trust) are taking to save this Gorge from......
Lto The Editor Op The "srscre-ros."] "sir,—i Was Much Amused
by the Greek epigram that appeared in the Spectator last week. The policy of taxing ungotten " minerals further recalls the task assigned by Milton to Mammon :— "By him first......
An Epigram For Mr. Lloyd George.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIE,—I happen to know that the excellent Greek epigram for the Chancellor of the Exchequer which you published last week refers to his......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator."1
SIR,—A few years ago I met a miner in the West Australian goldfields. The following is an account of a piece of heroism on his part which I think can seldom be surpassed :—He......
British Heroes.
LTO THII EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The following is from Sir Charles Napier's "Campaign against the Robber Tribes of the Upper Scinde ":- "A detachment of troops was......
State Railways In New Zealand.
[To ma EDITOR. OF ITER " SFIICTATON.,"] SIB,—The enclosed is an extract from a letter which I have just received from my _brother, a farmer in New Zealand. I thought it might......
Cruelty To Oxen At Carrara. [to Ths Editor Op The
"SPECTATOR."] who have visited the beautiful valleys of Carrara must have been horrified at the cruelty practised on the oxen which draw the carts laden with marble from the......