BaldDA.B14.11 NOVELS. — A C21444 . 1friiiiriwAt. • 33I A. FatAtiill.Px - son. (E. Arnold.
6s.)--The ifl,nças a aaleAD- Peftina • to P•24 44' a little remote from life, hut itsadeta..ils are weelyed.,eirt .with:ranah ability.—The Beggar in the •IfSeet. li,y,Ettith,lAckert- iSame publisher. 6s.)—We are weereadrtha story o Petty- Zoo and Lord Wharton of the ley os of Hilpa and Shaltalla.. Eat it is good reading.-041 Frig/044a* Nev. .• 4 2,48. • George, de Henie Vaizey. (Hodder and Stoughton voltune.of abort stories, wholesome and pleaeant, as one 'nig' expegt.tho avit)AQX to give us.—Love the Intruder. .Aly.-Helen U.. ,Watataa, 6s.)—This is a pleasant story e bat :rthe "lotrudieg..100 "ie net the best part of it.—The llaueii. .By Eden Philip:las. (John Murray. 6s.)—A story of on !thee Devonshire coast- There is a crowd, but net tee large, of vividly drawn charaeters, and the effect of the . whole distinctly ,inlissessive.--t-71-.The Peabody Pew. By Mrs. Xate .11-)Ougls-s Wiggia....:(1.1odder- and Stoughton. 3a. 6i1)—Thisiea (pito delightfo ioyy . . loyal tfaiald memories, Nancy cleans out the. aid sw. aw$ til dream: of her
life turns into fact. . •