20 NOVEMBER 1909, Page 37


[Under this headidg se native such 'BooksnP 154 •vord; so /deo 4to1-been reserved for review so other formed .„

.T. G. Lewes of Savage Island and &ea Gabaea.By.ths..:B.av. Joseph King. (R.T.S. as. net.)ae-WALLea* Lego life in. sOme commercial employment, but his theygirts,appre tuella!" frera iito early days to serious things. 4t pinetv.p4 he heard an appeal from a missionary returned _fro* Artratenge, 334417.0 arhiela the death of John Williams had made. o'werfu. Thlt‘ aided 4y, the presence of a Tahitian eoneert,, prefeivelly-itupreased him,Ide offered himself to the London Itiesionary,*.ciety,, was aceepted; spent two years at a Training CollOae in Bedf.iird, was orda4e4 at the age of twenty-one, and wentAnt in the missionary ship !.4Ohn • Williams,' " a children's ship,"7,wat,..i.e„.*tb, children's PePs)e. His first field of work was Savage. T.sland,a,phico curiously- changed from the days when Captain Ooolr'weaevaiteat, to ,give it a. aside berth, and to appropriate this name _to it., ,..,(There is a ,stveage irony in the fact that the "savages" are More :4104Y .P3 P1.16 well if they stay at home than iF,they.gp into lands which he white man has occupied.) After eleven.yeass of very yaried work —the missionary in such plaoes bud all khula.of employment„civil and even political, thrust upon ,him—and some ix:acme:Pate activities, he settled in.New Guinea. lieso he spent ,some ;city years, a period of such labour as it is not easy for, the ,dweller amidst peaceful surroundings to realise. There was the 'climiter to begin with, no trilling matter, s4 we eee ,something of what it means when we read the diary ompp. 01-92. We give aome items: "Fever again. Luifate dewn this time : Kukla died: wiftsrjiad again : Percy fhis infant eon] Iva. had 4ever again : pretty ,well when I got up but in an hour er two the shivering and vomiting began : Charley had a bad attack: -Talima delirious Talima died : Dr. Turner down : Peroy died." Then there were outside troubles, political affairs, plans of annexation, the perpetual native question- All these were ad.ded to the daily "care of . a10 churches." It must have been a relief to turn to the peed:lead work of translation, for in this.most important provniee .Mr. Lawea did excellent work. No one-but must be the better-tor reading this book.