20 NOVEMBER 1909, Page 37
The Path to Honour. By Bydneyt. Qrier. (IY".. Und: Sons.
Es.)—" Sydeey Qiiet4S" nevinovel bisloVilin What :arc; alts her "Modern Eastern Seriei,*and'dkee lilt:hi-out...Ong „parts of Indian Empire in the middle e471 aer16-1..rir. The author has genuine intjlrEinto .Anild:Triafan rde in the Victorian era, and he ,novela On. *truer oil" this accotmt. The Path to tonoar la not a:404401i noteWnithy specimen el her talent„lint".it' is emiaSiaVrreallablo; and the joint heroes, Lienteinint.":44:iitCharteiis. 4414 Lietiteiiint Henry Gerrard, are clearly differentiated, and-4th of thorn Well drawn.
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