Signor Giolitti and M. Vesnitch, the Italian and Southern Slav
Premiers, on Friday, November 12th, signed the Treaty of Rapallo, regulating the Adriatic frontier common to -their two countries. Italy retains Western Istria, the town of Zara in Dalmatia and the islands of Cherso, Lussin, Lagosta, and Pelagosa. Fiume is recognized as an independent State, and is given a narrow strip of coast to the westward so as to be conter- minous with Italian Istria. The personal rights of Italians living under Southern Slav rule are guaranteed. The Treaty provides for the establishment of economic and financial rhla. tions between Italy and the Southern Slays, who have inueh to gain from Italian expert assistance in developing their country. The Treaty seems to have been well received in Italy, despite the sacrifices which it entails in Dalmatia. It is significant that Signor d'Annunzio, after threatening not to recognize the Treaty, has found it expedient to abandon a filibustering expedition to the Dalmatian ports.