No Milk Is So Nourishing For Children As Goat's Milk.
But if any of our readers should try to encourage uneducated cottagers to keep goats they ought, as Lady Bathurst suggests, and we quite agree, to keep an eye on the animals. No......
The Morning Post On Wednesday Published Some Excellent...
Lady Bathurst on the subject of goat-keeping. We share her satisfaction at the announcement that the Ministry of Agriculture is warmly advocating the increase of goats.......
Departments Should Be Reduced At Once So That All The
' temporary buildings set up in the parks and open space, should ' be removed by June next. Lord Gainford instanced the cases of the superfluous Ministry of Shipping in St.......
The Daily Chronicle Of Tuesday Stated That The Government...
expected to reduce the price of flour before Christmas. That, of course, would entail a reduction in the price of bread. A marked fall has occurred in the price of wheat in......
On Wednesday The House Discussed The Very Questionable C...
the Agriculture Bill giving a farmer compensation for disturbance. Sir Frederick Banbury moved the , omission of the clause, but found no support. Sir A. Griffith Boscawen......
Persons Unfamiliar With Goats Do Not Know What Delightful...
they can be. The goat which has been well treated will go with you, or with anybody else for that matter, for as long a walk as you please. It will not stray like a dog. It will......
• • - The House Of Commons On Tlutratiay, November
lltb: appointed a Select Committee to consider what the salaries 0 1 Ministers should be. Colonel Gibbs, who moved for the Com- mittee, proposed that it should consider whether......
The House, Which Had Shown Itself Very Unfavourable To The
Bill, adopted an amendment, moved by Sir Frederick Banbury, depriving municipalities of State grants for housing their employees. Dr. Addison repudiated once more the charge—......
When The Financial Resolution Required For The Ministry...
Bill came before the House of Commons on Monday, Sir Donald Maclean commented on the alarming increase in the rates, which had gone up by 73 per cent, in two years, and urged......
Mr. Lloyd George Felt It Necessary On Monday To Defend
the Agricultural Bill in Committee. Colonel Spender Clay had moved to omit the debatable section empowering the Board of Agriculture to take action if it thought that a farmer......
Bank Rate, 7 Per Cent., Changed From 6 Per Cent.
Apr. 15, 1920; 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 84; Thursday week, 831; a year ago, E01.......