[to Tuc Editor Or Tile " Spectator."1 Sih,—i Had Hoped
that the correspondence which the letter from "English and Catholic" in your issue of Novem- ber 6th was sure to quote would have called attention to what appears the greatest......
From 1,240 To' £3,082 In Two Years. [to The Emma
07 Tue " SPECTATOR.") 8112,—In your issue of last week you referred to the increasing burden of taxation. In this. country parish of Lamington, in Lanarkshire, there is a......
Currency And Prices.
(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:9 Sat.—The practical importance of an understanding of the connexion between currency and prices lies in its bearing on future monetary policy.......
[to Me Editor Or Vet " Areersroa."] Sia.—referring To The
object of Alderman MaeSwiney's suicide, the Cork Examiner published on August 20th the following message from his sister " Ile may not survive till morning; he thinks his death......
The Late Lord Mayor Of Cork.
[To THE EDITOR or rat " Smart:roe.") Six.—Surely the question at issue in the case of the Lord Mayor of Cork is one of motive. He did not wish to endure a painful death, but......
Sittland And Lord Jellicoe.
[To nu Emma or me " Eirsersroa."3 Sta,—Your recent references to the Jutland affair have greatly interested me, and there is a letter from Admiral Bacon in the Times of today......
[to Ma Editor Or The " Spectator."1
Sm—The absurdity of the juetification of the Lord Mayor of Cork's suicide by your correspondent "English and Catholic" may be made clear by two illustrations showing......
"killing No Murder."
its THE EDITOR UP TUE " SPECTATOR."] Sut,—There's not much the matter with Suarez. Most of us, with whatever reservations, concede the major premiss that tyrants may rightly be......
[to My Enrroa Or Ma " Sescrsroa.")
Sia,—Apropos of recent reflection on the question of religious influences in Ireland, it is interesting to recall the well. weighed opinion of that eminent Catholic thinker and......